Friday, December 25, 2009

Morning Walk

Everything takes on a different perspective when you are in Alaska. A morning walk for instance; most of us think of walking the dog, walking to get a cup of coffee or jumping in your car to run to the store.

In Anchorage, AK; a morning walk is not complete without your pet reindeer. Yes, reindeer! These gentlemen are walking their reindeer in downtown Anchorage. The enclosed walkway you see in the background leads to our main downtown mall. These gentlemen are walking down one of our main street near 6th and F streets.

Gotta love it.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve Sleigh Ride

As part of our Christmas Eve festivities, we took the boys on a horse-drawn sleigh ride through the woods. We were pulled by a 20 year old Belgium breed of a pony named Dan. We were told that he was considered a runt at only 2200 lbs. Sorry for the photo quality, however, our driver said that he was not a photographer.

Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Winter Solstice

Winter has officially arrived in Alaska. Today is the shortest day of the year or more commonly known as Winter Solstice. In Anchorage that means 5 hours and 37 minutes of daylight. Our official sunrise was at 10:14am and sunset at 3:41pm.

I have attached a couple of photos from midday or high sun. As you can see even at the height of our day the sun just barely clears the mountain range enough to light the top of the trees around our house. During this time of year we see very little of the actual sun.

Christmas is only a few days away and then we will be looking for spring and longer days. Merry Christmas and enjoy the photos.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

1st Snowmobile Outing

We were finally able to talk Nancy into trying her snowmobile out. We bought Spencer a snowmobile this year as well and he was up for giving it a go. We headed to Big Lake; a large lake about an hour north of Anchorage. Thought this would be a good starting point as it is big, flat and had lots of snow. The lake is currently frozen about 15 inches thick so it is plenty strong for most snowmobiles, cars and trucks.

The drive up was beautiful with the sun actually getting higher than the surrounding mountains and giving us a glimpse. However, as we approached the Lake, a layer of clouds moved in, hiding the sun and threatening us with snow. I grabbed a photo of Spencer, with Connor behind and one of Nancy to prove they were out there. Way to go guys. Next year the Iron Dog.