Wednesday, December 31, 2008

64 Degrees Below Freezing!

We finally got a chance to try out the new snow machines. New Years Eve arrived with a morning temperature of -32 degrees. On the drive to "Big Lake", Connor looked at the auto temperature gauge and declared: "Holy Cow, that is 64 degrees below freezing". As you can see from the photos, even the warm smoke doesn't rise in that temperature.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Enough said!!!!!!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Archery Shoot

Connor has taken up archery since our move to Alaska. He started with the Parks & Rec Saturday intro class and has shown a knack for hitting the target. One of the local instructors (Cesar) has helped Connor with his form and should have him ready for his first tournament in about 3 weeks. Cesar is the gentlemen on the left in the above photo.

Connor's friend, Evyn, has been visiting us from Louisville and he came along to give archery a try. As you can see, he was successful in disabling the fierce beast (ground squirrel).

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Alaska Cadillacs

Loaded and ready to go in style.

Giant Snowman

Anchorage made national news this Christmas. A family in one of the neighborhoods has made a tradition out of building the largest "natural" snowman in town. It all started about 3-4 years ago and has continued to grow each year. We actually received a call from Oklahoma asking what the big deal was. Our Christmas adventure was to find out where and how big the snowman was. Take a look at the photos and judge for yourself. Merry Chirstmas.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

More Photos from Ski Camp - Day 1 (Spencer)

Ski School

Christmas break. Nancy and I have signed the boys up for ski camp, not something you would normally think of being from Kentucky. Anyway, they seem to be having a blast their first day. Connor and Evyn are working on their boarding and Spencer continues to "melt the snow" as he says.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Winter Solstice

Well its finally here, the day all Alaskans look for; the Winter Solstice. The sun officially rose at 10:14am and set at 3:41pm (5 hours 27 minutes of daylight or lack there of). At least going forward the days will quickly become 24 hours of daylight.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Connor's best friend from Louisville has arrived for a visit during Christmas break. Evyn arrived via Alaska Airlines Saturday, December 20th. It didn't take the boys long to fall back in to their routine of video games and such. With our new location, the boys had other options to try as well. I have included a couple photos of the boys tubing at the local slope. Both agreed that it was a blast.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Only in Alaska. I got this photo of a gentleman taking his dogs for a walk. You gotta wonder how in the world he keeps from falling. Talk about balance control.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Winter has arrived in full force and the boys are out learning how to ski (Spencer) and snowboard (Connor). We are located only about 2 miles for one of Anchorage's local ski resorts and it makes it easy to get by there often.

As you can see the boys are working hard on their new found sport. Spencer has told us that his instructor tells him that he is so faaaasssst that he is melting snow. Ha, Ha. Enjoy the photos.
Spencer burns it up!

Connor "shreds" the slope.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Fun

We had lots of snow for Thanksgiving. Spencer commented on the fact that this is the best Christmas ever and it is only Thanksgiving. I tied our new sleds to the back of the ATV and pulled the kids through the neighborhood. The dog even got a ride.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Spencer's Holiday Production

School wrapped up for the Thanksgiving Holiday with a Colonial Play and Lunch at Spencer's school. Spencer earned one of the main parts (The Narriator) and did a fantastic job.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Well yes, I know it has been some time since I have posted to our blog. It is not that we haven't had things going on, actually just the opposite is true. It has been very busy and it seems we never have the time to set down and work on the computer.
Anyway, I did take a few pictures of our new additions so that everyone could see them. Kenei is a bouncing baby Berner. He is 15 weeks and keeps us busy. Sitka, our ragdoll cat enjoys playing; however, Kenai gets a little rough. Sitka has found a favorite spot just our of Kenai's reach as you can see in the photos above.
Will try to keep this up to date a little more in the future. Take care.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Well we have a new family addition to show off. Nancy has been looking for a kitty replacement for some time. This past weekend, she found just what she was looking for in the local newspaper. We now have a new "Rag-doll" kitten named Sitka. He is cream colored with smokey colored ears and feet and sky-blue eyes.
Lots of activity with the house this past week. As it comes down to the home stretch, the inside is taking shape. We have had folks working on the cabinets, tile, paint, fixtures & landscaping. Later this week, we should get a sidewalk & driveway. We are hoping to move in sometime the 3rd week of October.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Spencer has been busy with his new endeavor; cross-country running. Every Tuesday & Thursday Spencer joins the x-country team for practice. This past Saturday the Huffman Huskies had their first x-country event. Spencer did very well and finished the x-country course in the middle of the pack.