Sunday, December 20, 2009

1st Snowmobile Outing

We were finally able to talk Nancy into trying her snowmobile out. We bought Spencer a snowmobile this year as well and he was up for giving it a go. We headed to Big Lake; a large lake about an hour north of Anchorage. Thought this would be a good starting point as it is big, flat and had lots of snow. The lake is currently frozen about 15 inches thick so it is plenty strong for most snowmobiles, cars and trucks.

The drive up was beautiful with the sun actually getting higher than the surrounding mountains and giving us a glimpse. However, as we approached the Lake, a layer of clouds moved in, hiding the sun and threatening us with snow. I grabbed a photo of Spencer, with Connor behind and one of Nancy to prove they were out there. Way to go guys. Next year the Iron Dog.

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