Monday, August 25, 2008

We have had a busy few days. The boys are in school, started August 20th and Heidi had her last few days before she had to leave. The weather is still a mix of sun and rain; something I am told we will have to get used to dealing with.
We made numerous trips up the Turnagain Arm trying to catch the Beluga Whales but had no luck. We did take the opportunity to take Heidi to a couple of local "must see" areas before she left. One such place is called "Flat Top." It is a local hiking trail that leads to the top of a hill that looks like someone cut the top off; hence the name. The view from the trail-head is beautiful as you can see from the following photos.

In addition to our trip to Flat Top, we took Heidi and the boys to the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center. It is a wonderful trip about 40 minutes south of Anchorage. The folks started AWCC to help care for wildlife in a more natural setting. They have a number of beautiful examples of Alaska's wildlife. We saw Black & Brown Bears, Moose, Caribou, Elk, Buffalo, Musk Ox, Eagles, Foxes and more. You get an up close, personal view of the animals with the safety of a secure fence. Hope you enjoy some of the photos below.

We do have one sad thing to add to this post; Maggie lost her battle with the illness that had plagued her since Calgary. She put up a hard fight and most days you would never know that she was in severe pain. This past Wednesday, however, her body had more than it could handle and we took her to the Emergency Room for the last time. The folks at Pet ER were wonderful and tried everything they could think of. She is going to be missed as she had become a big part of the family. Good-bye Mag-pies.

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